Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Reminder of something

Found a photo frame when I was going through some old stuffs today. It was a christmas present obtained from one of the previous Christmas Dinner which I very soon dumped it into the pile of old stuffs.

I've never liked anything that is incomplete as a present to be given to anyone. Photo frame is one of them. To me, it's just a empty container given to the receiver. You have to possess something that you can put in it to make the whole thing complete. For photo frame, you need have at least a picture of someone or something very meaningful to you where you can insert it in the frame and proudly show to others.

Unfortunately, even though I have a very special and precious someone, we still haven't had a very special picture that can share our memory where I can happily put it into the photo frame.
Guess that's what makes me feel so unhappy for the whole day. It kind of make me feel insecure and down at certain point. So, I guess I will just have to bury this annoying photo frame into my old stuff piles again.

Maybe I have been thinking too much. However, I do hope that one day, I can happily pull it out from the debris and put in the picture of you and me...


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