Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Third Choice

There is this saying 'If you can't beat them, join them.'
However, I do feel that there's always another option.
If you're really so against it, you have the choice to leave the table/game/circle or whatsoever one likes to call it, the list just goes on...
True, it really bugs me most of the time sometimes to know about the dark side other side of the big picture.
And if hopping into the ride is what it takes to be a part of the game, I rather choose the third option, to leave the table.
I guess I can live with it.


A-Keat said...

There are always the choice...but we tend to choice the wrong options.
Hope your decision is right dude.

yeeloon said...

Thanks for visiting, dude.
Wish me luck for the decision I made.
*Finger Crossed*

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