Sunday, November 1, 2009

When the curtain is down

I was never good in saying good bye. To the people I love and care, to the creatures I keep and grow with, to the things I own and enjoying having it, even to a game I have fun playing....
I never like endings, no matter good or bad
A dear friend has always told me that it is a major character flaw of mine and I need to get through it.
I understand that as well
However, it's just always this kind of feelings when the curtain's down and the music is off, you feel the lonelines just ambushed you at the least expected moment. Consuming all the great feelings that you have experienced just a couple of seconds ago, and eventually leave you with eternal feel of hollow and loneliness.
Yes, unfortunately, that's what I have always felt when I bid good bye to friends from a gathering, a party or a dinner...
No matter how happy or enjoyable it was, there it awaits, the beast known as loneliness that creeps inside and house and consume me every time I enter it.
It's not my home, but the house is the only destination I have at every end of the day. There is nobody to go back to, and as always, going home just gives me the feelings of going to an end, of every single experience that I treasure.
Yes, I have been through quite some high and low in the emotion department lately and it sucks when there isn't many that I could exactly share it with. Hence, I feel lonelier as time goes by.
Have you ever heard of this song before? It's a really old one, back in days when I was still in school.
It's say about how a performer feels when the curtain's down and the music is off, with the performer left on the stage, alone, in the dark. Not knowing what's to come, not feelings what he's been through...
Hope you will enjoy it too.

词 曲 编/周华健

Whenever the show's over
As the light dims down and everything colorful becomes grey
I am waiting for the loneliness to come
Or the ambush of the chilly feeling
不知道 我永远不知道
I don't know. I will never know
冷冷清清 我的心情
It's cold and lonely, that's how I feel
Everything glamourous has gone away from me
精疲力尽 我的声音
My voice is now tired and exhausted
But the echoes of previous scene just never fade away
Whenever the show's over
As the light dims down and everything becomes grey
I am waiting for the loneliness to come
Or the ambush of the chilly feeling
不知道 我永远不知道

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